Flags with rod; they are frequently used by political parties and sometimes during special days of companies or April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day and in other various locations. This is the process of output of products manufactured in a digital environment as printed on cloths, fabrics, nylon and other similar surfaces by means of such a device specialized to that end, which is being technologically advanced in recent years. Gönder Bayrak makes available these digital printing facilities within its own organization. We have made it possible to manufacture all types of flags by means of digital printing technique and, manufacture flags (with unlimited color options) as per the customer specifications.
2009 - 2025 Ulus Bayrak Reklam | Flag and Digital Printing Production and Sales - All Rights Reserved.
Address : Uzunçayır Cad. No:28 Kat:4 Hasanpaşa - Kadıköy - İstanbul